The Ram Units are designed to ensure correct ‘priming’ of the pump fluid section inlet and to prevent material ‘cavitations’ when high viscosity materials are pumped. The units will accommodate industry standard 205 Liter Barrels and 1000 Liter Tote tanks, other sizes can be accommodated within the design scope e.g. 300 Gall units.

A barrel/tote location is provided to ensure correct vertical alignment of the Ram plate. The unit consists of two or four double acting air cylinders mounted vertically to a base. The air cylinders apply a force through the thrust rods to a heavy-duty ram plate which ‘forces’ the material into the pump fluid section.

The Ram plate has two tubular seals, which accurately fit the inside of the barrel, as material is used the ram plate descends, cleaning the sides of the barrel, reducing material waste to a minimum.